Responsible Engagement Research summary

Posted on: May 2nd, 2013

Responsible Engagement Research summary

Responsible Engagement Research update

Following on from the information we published last month, I am delighted to report we have had a couple of extra responses to our ‘Responsible Engagement’ survey.

There was a wealth of really interesting information in the responses we received.

These tables are intended to be a useful summary for advisers who are looking to offer advice to clients who they may consider to be either keen to ‘encourage positive change’ ‘or a bit ethical’ – as these are probably the major characteristics of individual investors who are interested in this field.

The tables show the asset types to which engagement applies – and high level descriptions of some of the main issues the managers engage with companies on.

The tables can be used to work out, for example, a selection of fund managers who run UK equity funds and regular discuss directors pay or environmental concerns with all the companies they hold…

Knowing the fund names is however over to you… the adviser (pending our extending our research in due course!)


  Corporate Governance and Directors Remuneration Environmental Best Practice Mitigation of / adaptation to Climate Change Social issues including Human Rights and Labour Standards
Aviva Entire portfolio Entire portfolio Entire portfolio Entire portfolio
CIS Entire portfolio Key holdings Key holdings Key holdings
F&C Asset Management Entire portfolio Entire portfolio Entire portfolio Entire portfolio
Jupiter Asset Management Key holdings Key holdings Key holdings Key holdings
Kames Capital Entire portfolio Key holdings Key holdings Key holdings
Legal and General IM Entire portfolio Key holdings Key holdings Key holdings


Equities  Fixed Interest Property
Aviva  Global Global Global
CIS  UK, Europe, USA UK, Europe UK, Europe
F&C Asset Management* Global Global N/A
Jupiter Asset Management Global Global N/A
Kames Capital Global Global Global
Legal and General IM Global Global N/A
Scottish Widows IP Global Global Global
Standard Life UK, Europe N/A N/A