Posted on: September 24th, 2014
sriServices is delighted to announce that we will be holding a telephone conference to help advisers with their ‘SRI fact finding’ on Monday 20 October.
The event will consider all aspects of ‘Ethical / SRI Fact Finding’, such as:
The event is being held during ‘Good Money Week’ (organised by UKSIF) and aims to help advisers offer SRI & ethical options more easily. As well as hearing from Julia Dreblow attendees will hear from experienced advisers who have kindly agreed to share there experience during the call.
WHEN: Monday 20 October, for one hour 10.00 – 11.00
SIGN UP: Please register here
Maximum attendees*: 50
(*This event is intended for Financial Advisers. Priority will be given to advisory firms and sriServices sponsors/supporters).
Please send your questions or requests ahead of the event so that they may be built into the event.
Attendees will be sent dial in details nearer the time.
Direct link to sign up: