Service Providers

The Dialshifter badge will be made available to investment intermediaries and service providers that offer products and/or services that can help to address climate change and sustainability challenges. 

Examples of relevant service providers include: portfolio providers, discretionary fund managers (DFMs), ratings agencies, platforms and providers of related support services.


Our service provider criteria aim to help highlight funds that we believe are committed to helping to address environmental challenges such as climate change.

Only services that have transparent and constructive methodologies – that we believe are managed responsibly and in the spirit of helping to shift the dial – will be considered.

Services will be checked as part of our verification process.

These requirements will be consulted on and improved from time to time – with the expectation of raising our standards.


Service providers and intermediaries, such as investment researcher companies, fund platforms and portfolio providers, are directly or indirectly used by almost every financial adviser and individual investor.

Their role is therefore crucial as they commonly act as gate keepers – ultimately making it either easy or difficult for investors to find funds that are helping to shift the dial.

Highlighting the role of those that are doing good work in this area is therefore an important part of changing how people invest and supporting the transition to more sustainable business practices and lifestyles.

In order to qualify for the Dialshifter badge we (and our verification partners) will require to see that relevant services are well thought through, transparent, constructive, clearly visible, properly resourced and available to all.


Dialshifter Minimum Requirements for Service Providers

  • Offer ‘Dialshifting’ tools and/or services that help to drive greater investment towards funds addressing sustainability challenges.
  • Your ‘Dialshifter’ products or service must be visible on the home page of your company website.
  • Dialshifter products or services must be available to all clients.
  • Must provide a clear and meaningful explanation (for advisers and clients) of how climate change is integrated into their analysis
  • Must provide evidence that your service(s) can respond to clients’ diverse aims and objectives.
  • Must have transparent processes in place to deal with client queries.
  • Must provide evidence of how ‘Dialshifter’ service is supported internally.
  • Must provide a Dialshifter summary – explaining how this service is helping to ‘shift the dial’
  • To provide or be working on a ‘net zero’ / Paris Alignment statement that articulates a commitment to help reduce carbon emissions swiftly

All relevant service providers can apply.

Please be aware we are not regulated (or regulators) and can not endorse or recommend any adviser, service or investment. The information we supply is ‘for information only’.

Service Provider Form

    Only businesses that can demonstrate they do all of these are eligible for Dialshifter status.

    Describe in under 100 words what your company is doing to reduce emmisions and address climate risk.

    Please briefly describe how your service works eg how you select funds & how ESG factors are taken into account

    If 'no' please email to request a Fund EcoMarket fund form.

    Maximum 100 words, please submit draft text, this can be amended later if necessary.

    If this information is not on Fund EcoMarket yet we would like you to discuss this with us. All services should be listed so they can be researched by interested parties. Email for a Fund EcoMarket form.

    Please use this space to add information or ask a question.

    We will use the information you have supplied for publication on to help verify your Dialshifter status. You may attach additional information here if required (not for publication).