
Downloads & support for financial advisers and intermediaries

Helping you to offer advice on ESG, ethical and sustainable investments


This download includes and introduction to Fund EcoMarket,  maps ‘SRI Styles’ against the ‘Big 3’ core client motivations and 7 client examples as well as fact finding information and what to watch out for over the coming year.

Fund EcoMarket tool downloads – NEW (September 2023)

For further information on fact finding see Fact Finding Support.


To download our fund database as a (free) App search ‘Fund EcoMarket’ on the iOS (Apple) App Store or use the link on the home page for both iOS and Android.

  • The app has brief adviser prompts/suggested client text under the ‘?’ on each filter field.
  • FOr more information about the App click here


Online training


  • ’30 People, 30 years, 30 words’  Celebrating 30 years of ethical investment in the UK. 
    • This ‘guide’ includes ’30 expert opinions’ on ‘Why it matters where we invest’, many of whom were what was then often referred to as ‘the founding fathers of (UK) ethical investment’.
    • The document was compiled by Julia Dreblow in 2014 (kindly published by PanaceaAdviser) to celebrate ’30 years’ since the launch of the UKs first ethical fund in 1984 (the Stewardship funds).  Contributors include diverse ‘leaders’ from the period 1984 to 2014.
    • Each contributor explains in ’30 words’ why it matters where we invest.  Many also contributed addition text to explain their views in further detail and explain their personal stories.
  • CII Thinkpiece ‘SRI: Environmentally, Socially and Financially Usefulby Julia Dreblow, published 19 September 2016