Posted on: November 10th, 2015
Yesterday saw the launch of ‘Fund EcoMarket v2’ – our newly revamped, expanded and open to all SRI fund database tool and information hub.
(See below for link to slides)
In an event kindly hosted by Rathbones in their beautiful London offices attendees listened to presentations from (and asked questions of) Rathbones, Alliance Trust, UKSIF and sriServices.
Highlights were many and various but included …
The final session was from myself where I explained how Fund EcoMarket came about and why it is useful. Some of the points I’d most like to highlighting include the following:
The event went extremely well and from the excellent feedback we have received so far FEM appears to be a welcome addition to the SRI stable…( the enthusiasm and support of the audience was gratefully received!)
My hope now is that having been a long time in the making we will soon find ways to get this tool in front of advisers – and start making a very contribution to growing retail SRI & ethical investment … as is our mission and purpose!
Visit here.
nb – if you are new to the site check out the ‘SRI StyleFinder’ fact find questionnaire (to identify your best fit ‘SRI Styles’) and then use the filters to create a list of relevant options which can then be downloaded or printed out into a report.
Thanks again to all who attended and also to those who support our work in your many and various ways!
ps Industry professionals are asked to sign up to our newsletter to be kept informed of future events – this and the various other ways we can keep in touch are all set out on our sriServices ‘Contact‘ page.