Greening Finance roadmap & related developments

Posted on: October 21st, 2021

Greening Finance roadmap & related developments


This brief blog is to help you bookmark this important document which maps out much of what we can expect to see in the broad sustainable investment arena over the next few years:  

We are delighted at the growing level of attention being paid to sustainable investment by the UK Government in the run up to COP26, although there remains much work to do.

The following are links to some recent developments that will be relevant to Fund EcoMarket users (we will aim to expand on this shortly):


  • (UK) Government Roadmap  on Greening Finance published.  Download here: Greening Finance: A Roadmap to Sustainable Investing – GOV.UK (  .  See page 39, which reads:
      HM Treasury and the FCA are exploring how best to introduce sustainability-related requirements for financial advisors. A key aim will be to ensure that they take sustainability matters into account in their investment advice and understand investors’ sustainability preferences to ensure suitability of advice. Details of the proposals are subject to further consideration and will be set out on a different timescale to proposals for financial market participants. The proposals will be subject to consultation and cost benefit analysis.


  • New Climate Financial Risk Forum (climate change)- new guides (October 2021): access here