Fund EcoMarket and related news – roundup

Posted on: November 23rd, 2015

Fund EcoMarket and related news – roundup

Fund EcoMarket and related news – roundup 

Here is a brief update on recent retail SRI related events, coverage, changes … and things  that we like!

As readers may gather from the brevity of  recent blogs – things have been pretty busy recently…

Things are only now starting to settle a little after Good Money Week, which was once again a huge success for UKSIF – and which achieved more media coverage than ever before!

Interest in Fund EcoMarket is also on the up – and we are working hard to improve what we do – as well as supporting those who share our aim of growing SRI.

Some recent adviser friendly SRI ‘in the news’ style activity:

  • Citywire journalists recently attended the launch of  at ‘Fund EcoMarket v2.0‘ at Rathbones  – and  kindly mentioned the event in their 16 November edition of New Model Adviser (see image)
  • Last week also saw the release of a Citywire video dispelling some of the myths of SRI.  It features comments from Andrew Gilbert the Parmenion (DFM) ethical fund manager (who Julian Parrot and I support in our capacities as ‘independent experts’ ) as well as fund managers from WHEB and RCB.     The video can be viewed via this link.
  • IFA readers may also be keen to hear that we recently advertised Fund EcoMarket  in the Big Issue – not just because we like what they do – but to help direct potentially interested readers to our ‘Find an Adviser‘ area.
  • Early November saw Hendersons kindly host a well attended all day London EIA event for IFAs .
  • I have Pictet to thank for inviting me to the Incisive Media SRI awards last week – a fantastic event that helps to highlight the success and diversity of the SRI community.  Our congratulations to all those who were nominated and of course  to the winners.

Fund EcoMarket changes:

  • Quilter Cheviot have this month joined our  list of Fund EcoMarket  sponsors  and are kindly helping to keep our fund tool free for advisers and others to use.
  • We have recently created an Offshore/SICAV area on Fund EcoMarket.  This reflects the view that it is time to start to branch out into this area as it is expanding fast with lots of interesting new developments.  (Our list of funds in this area is not yet complete however – so please do not rely on this as being the entire market – as it is not!).
  • We are soon to be reviewing the way we link Life and Pension fund entries to OEIC  ‘primary funds’ entries to make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for.
  • We are starting to plan our third ‘Responsible Engagement’ survey so if you if you have any key areas you would like us to research please get in touch.
  • Providing there are no major unforeseen distractions these should all be sorted by the end of the year… in time to start thinking about the next event perhaps!?! (To ensure you are mailed with details of events please sign up to our ‘industry professionals only’ newsletter via this link.
  • … and finally – if you are into such things – do follow me  on Twitter (@JuliaDreblow )  to receive links to information that I feel is relevant to those with an interest in SRI and related areas.

Please do get in contact in the usual way if you have any comments or questions!
