SRI Services and Partners annual Good Money Week event 2024

Posted on: October 7th, 2024

SRI Services and Partners annual Good Money Week event 2024

I am delighted to report that our annual Good Money Week conference, which we held at the (old) Museum of London last Thursday, was a big success!

So although we are still recovering and collating –  we wanted to share some early feedback!

  • c 250 attendees
  • 92 % said they would come again
3 (average) 4 5 (great
What was your overall impression of the event? 36% 64%
How useful / informative did you find today’s event? 8% 33% 58%
Did the event meet your learning objectives? 3% 46% 51%
What did you think of the format? 6% 40% 54%

General feedback included: 

  • This is an area I know a little about so learnt a lot throughout
  • All great – pacey, lively and interesting
  • Love your willingness to answer any question, Julia.
  • Interesting to hear expected developments.
  • As always, an insightful day – thank you!
  • There was a real energy at this event . Great turnout and female representation.
  • Great event and energy. Best I have been to and I have been coming for a number of years!
  • Keep it up Julia, Brilliant stuff!
  • Excellent event – thank you to the speakers, organizers and sponsors.

 Panel sessions / format feedback included:

  • Loved the Scheduling – think it flowed brilliantly and logically.
  • Format achieved variety & kept focus.
  • Equally valued the panel presentations.
  • Appreciated the speakers with implementation experience.
  • Speakers were all very engaging.
  • Guest speakers were very thought provoking.

I would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who played a part in this event, speakers, fund partners, the home team – and of course our delegates!

What next:

Event slides can be downloaded here SRI Services Good Money Week 2024 slides final

The videos are currently being worked on and will be made available here as soon as possible!

Scriberia’s amazing art work will also be shared when available.

For CPD certificates please contact Su via

And  a final extra big thank you to Reset Connect for their help organizing the event and to our partners who made it possible:

The event was free to attend thanks to these fund partners:

Supporting fund managers:

Rathbones Asset Management, Greenbank Investments, Pictet Asset Management, Sarasin & Partners, Triodos Investment Management, Liontrust, Quilter Cheviot, Aegon Asset Management, M&G Investments, BNY Investments, Columbia Threadneedle Investments, WHEB, Fidelity International, Schroders, Royal London Asset Management, RBC BlueBay Asset Management, CCLA, Stewart Investors, Unicorn, T Rowe Price

10:00 – 10:10 Welcome – Julia DreblowFounder & CEO – SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket

10:10 – 10:25  Good Money Week update – James Alexander, CEO – UKSIF

10:25 – 10:45  Fund EcoMarket & industry update – Julia Dreblow

10:45 – 11:30 Fund Manager Session 1:  Exploring the new SDR regime and labelling process

        • Therese Niklasson: Global Head of Sustainable Investment – Newton Investment Management
        • Caroline Langley: Deputy Fund Manager, Climate Assets Funds – Quilter Cheviot Investment Management
        • David Harrison: Fund Manager, Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund – Rathbones Asset Management
        • Seb Beloe: Partner and Head of Research – WHEB Asset Management

11:30 – 11:50  Coffee break

11:55 – 12:25   Fund Manager Session 2Beyond the labels

        • Miranda Beacham: Head of UK Responsible Investment – Aegon Asset Management
        • Clare Wood: Portfolio Specialist – Stewart Investors
        • Adam Robbins: Head of Business Development – Triodos Investment Management

12:30 – 13:15  MORNING KEYNOTE – Sacha Sadan, Director of ESG – FCA

13:20 – 14:20 Lunch break

  • 13:35 – 14:05  ‘Portfolio managers share responses to recent developments’

14:20 – 14:30   Welcome back

14:30 – 14:55   GUEST SPEAKER:  Mike Clark, Founder & Director – Ario Advisory

14:55 – 15:20  Fund Managers Session 3Leading change

        • Duncan Downes: Senior Engagement Specialist, Pictet Positive Change – Pictet Asset Management
        • George Crowdy, CFA: Sustainable Fund Manager – Royal London Asset Management
        • Jeneiv ShahPortfolio Manager, Global Equities – Sarasin & Partners

15:25 -16:05   Fund Manager Session 4: Articulating sustainability with confidence

        • Clémence Chatelin: ESG Integration Manager – CCLA Investment Management
        • Matthew Jennings: Investment Director, Sustainable Investing – Fidelity International
        • David NicholsbyInvestment Director – Greenbank
        • My-Linh Ngo: Senior Director & Impact-Aligned Strategist – RBC BlueBay Asset Management

16:05 – 16:25  Coffee break

16:25 – 16:50   Fund Manager Session 5:  Leading change

        • Stephanie WilliamsSustainable Investment Analyst – Schroders
        • Ben Constable-MaxwellHead of Impact Strategy – M&G Investments
        • Mike Appleby: Investment Manager, Sustainable Future Funds – Liontrust Asset Management

16:50 – 17:15   AFTERNOON KEYNOTE  –  Mark Campanale, Founder – Carbon Tracker Initiative will be speaking about ‘How the clean energy revolution is disrupting everything’.

17:15 – 17:30  Close

17:30 – 20:30  Drinks reception & canapes
