SRI Services and partners 2024 event videos

Posted on: October 18th, 2024

SRI Services and partners 2024 event videos

We are delighted to be able to share videos from our annual conference, which are displayed in the order of the agenda, in the hope that the running order also makes sense for everyone who was not able to attend on the day!

But first – a brief taster – our new ‘SRI Services and Partners Good Money Week 2024’ event highlights video:

10:00 – 10:10 Welcome – Julia DreblowFounder & CEO – SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket

10:10 – 10:25  Good Money Week update – James Alexander, CEO – UKSIF

10:25 – 10:45  Fund EcoMarket & industry update – Julia Dreblow

10:45 – 11:30 Fund Manager Session 1:  Exploring the new SDR regime and labelling process

        • Therese Niklasson: Global Head of Sustainable Investment – Newton Investment Management
        • Caroline Langley: Deputy Fund Manager, Climate Assets Funds – Quilter Cheviot Investment Management
        • David Harrison: Fund Manager, Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund – Rathbones Asset Management
        • Seb Beloe: Partner and Head of Research – WHEB Asset Management

11:30 – 11:50  Coffee break

11:55 – 12:25   Fund Manager Session 2Beyond the labels

        • Miranda Beacham: Head of UK Responsible Investment – Aegon Asset Management
        • Clare Wood: Portfolio Specialist – Stewart Investors
        • Adam Robbins: Head of Business Development – Triodos Investment Management

12:30 – 13:15  MORNING KEYNOTE – Sacha Sadan, Director of ESG – FCA

13:20 – 14:20 Lunch break

  • 13:35 – 14:05  ‘Portfolio managers share responses to recent developments’

14:20 – 14:30   Welcome back

14:30 – 14:55   GUEST SPEAKER:  Mike Clark, Founder & Director – Ario Advisory

14:55 – 15:20  Fund Managers Session 3Leading change

        • Duncan Downes: Senior Engagement Specialist, Pictet Positive Change – Pictet Asset Management (session title: Don’t ignore improvers)
        • George Crowdy, CFA: Sustainable Fund Manager – Royal London Asset Management (session title: Innovation in weight loss drugs)
        • Jeneiv ShahPortfolio Manager, Global Equities – Sarasin & Partners (session title: Making plastic circular)

15:25 -16:05   Fund Manager Session 4: Articulating sustainability with confidence

        • Clémence Chatelin: ESG Integration Manager – CCLA Investment Management
        • Matthew Jennings: Investment Director, Sustainable Investing – Fidelity International
        • David NicholsbyInvestment Director – Greenbank
        • My-Linh Ngo: Senior Director & Impact-Aligned Strategist – RBC BlueBay Asset Management

16:05 – 16:25  Coffee break

16:25 – 16:50   Fund Manager Session 5:  Leading change

        • Stephanie WilliamsSustainable Investment Analyst – Schroders (session title: Nature and Biodiversity)
        • Ben Constable-MaxwellHead of Impact Strategy – M&G Investments (session title: Impact accounting as a tool to transform finance)
        • Mike Appleby: Investment Manager, Sustainable Future Funds – Liontrust Asset Management (session title: The pace of change and it’s influence on: sustainability, engagement and the size of the investable universe)

16:50 – 17:15   AFTERNOON KEYNOTE  –  Mark Campanale, Founder – Carbon Tracker Initiative will be speaking about ‘How the clean energy revolution is disrupting everything’.

17:15 – 17:30  Close
