Updated SRI Styles Classifications

Posted on: January 4th, 2016

Updated SRI Styles Classifications

Updated ‘SRI Styles’ classifications

New SRI Style – Social Themed

Fund EcoMarket now has an additional SRI Style classification: ‘Social Theme‘.

This is a reflection of the existence of the Columbia Threadneedle Social Bond fund (which we hope will in due course be replicated by other fund managers).

This fund was previously classified as  ‘Specialist’ .  We have removed the ‘Specialist’ SRI Style classification in order to further focus our SRI Styles  on ‘issues and approaches’ .

Future ‘specialist’ options (if launched) will be classified into ‘specialist’ product areas.   Their SRI Styles classification will  reflect their  SRI strategy  (ie a combination of issues; sustainability, ethical, social, environmental and approaches; positive selection,  avoidance or a combination of these two.)

Renamed SRI Styles: ‘Ethically Balanced’ and ‘Responsible Ownership & Engagement’

Other recent alterations include switching the term ‘Balanced Ethical’ to ‘Ethically Balanced’ – following feedback that the former caused some confusion.

We have also moved from referencing funds as ‘Responsible Engagement’ to ‘Responsible Ownership and Engagement’ to reflect a shift in  industry terminology and practices – where ‘responsible ownership’ also known as ‘shareholder stewardship’ are now well supported.

Our new SRI Styles are as shown on this diagram…

We have also made a few minor amendments to our fact find to reflect these changes but will continue this work over the coming weeks.

Further information

To read about our SRI Styles classifications or take our free  SRI StyleFinder Fact Find Questionnaire go to:  https://www.fundecomarket.co.uk/sri-stylefinder-tool/