Platforum news: platform & wrap funds top £155bn

Posted on: May 20th, 2011

Platforum news: platform & wrap funds top £155bn

Platforum news, 20 May 2011: platform funds top £155 bn

SRI Services today welcomed new research from ThePlatforum.

According to new research, funds under management within platforms and wraps are continuing to grow at astronomical rates. The Platforum puts the revised figure at £155 billion – invested across 28 platforms.

Julia Dreblow commented that this area looks set to become ever more important for green and ethical funds and that the areas should look for ways to work more closely together in the future.

Research carried out by Julia Dreblow for an UKSIF report in 2010 uncovered a range of challenges – as platforms and wraps have tended not to integrate SRI into their workings. Research also indicated that there was no inherent reason why these areas could not work more closely together in the future and that the potential opportunities and benefits of doing so could be significant.


