Top 50 Fund EcoMarket searches April 2019

Posted on: May 7th, 2019

Top 50 Fund EcoMarket searches April 2019

In a month when climate change was constantly in the news it will surprise few to see that Fund EcoMarket users regularly searched for fund options listed as: ‘sustainability themed’, ‘environmentally themed’, ‘environmental policy’, ‘climate change policy’, ‘avoids coal, oil & gas majors’, ‘invests in clean energy / renewables’ .

The high ranking of ‘animal welfare policy’ and ‘animal testing exclusion policy’ –  may however surprise some.

The total number of  events (‘clicks’) were 1943 during April, from 930 users – according to Google Analytics.

Fund EcoMarket filter searches

1)      OEIC/Unit Trust
2)      Sustainability Themed
3)      Ethically Balanced
4)      Equity
5)      Negative Ethical
6)      Global
7)      Animal welfare policy
8)      Environmentally Themed
9)      Mixed Asset
10)   Animal testing exclusion policy
11)   UK
12)   DFM/Portfolio Planner*
13)   Investment Trust
14)   Environmental policy
15)   Europe
16)   Available via an ISA
17)   Climate change / GHG policy
18)   Coal, oil &/or gas majors excluded
19)   Fixed Interest
20)   Unclassified
21)   ESG Plus
22)   Invests in clean energy/renewables
23)   Not Set
24)   Tobacco production avoided
25)   Passive Equity
26)   Equity Income
27)   Fracking and tar sands excluded
28)   Deforestation / palm oil policy
29)   Armaments manufacturers avoided
30)   Asia Pacific
31)   Clean energy themed
32)   USA
33)   Social Themed
34)   Emerging Markets
35)   Europe Ex-UK
36)   Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity
37)   Kames Ethical Cautious Managed
38)   Pension
39)   Responsible Ownership (under review)
40)   Sustainability themed
41)   Environmental damage and pollution policy (new)
42)   Positive selection bias
43)   Property
44)   Sustainability policy
45)   Gambling avoidance policy
46)   Positive environmental impact theme
47)   Tobacco avoidance policy (new)
48)   Child labour exclusion
49)   Infrastructure
50)   Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries