Top Fund EcoMarket Filter Searches in 2019

Posted on: January 6th, 2020

Top Fund EcoMarket Filter Searches in 2019

The following list is of the top individual filter searches carried out on Fund EcoMarket from 1 January to 31 December 2019.

This information is derived from Google Analytics, which recorded 34,087 filter options having been  selected over the twelve month period.

This information showed the breadth of different issues people were interested in as the top few searches accounted for just over 3% of the total number searches with those towards the bottom of the table being just under 0.2%  .

To comment on the significance of this I would suggest intermediaries (and others in the retail investment community)  consider the following:

  • these results point to why intermediaries find this market difficult as peoples’ areas of interest and needs are so diverse – and often nuanced
  • this points to why a database of this kind is useful as tools which focus on a smaller cohort of issues will be considerably less helpful (and potentially misleading)  when looking after the needs of a large proportion of clients.
  • not withstanding the above these results indicate a clear interest in both individual and more specific sustainability and environmental issues, with ‘Avoids coal, oil and/or gas, majors’ showing as the single highest ‘issue’ filter.
  • these results also point to perhaps surprisingly high interest in often lower profile and more traditional ethical investment related concerns – notably the desire to avoid invest in companies in the armaments, tobacco and animal testing fields.
  • like the Fund EcoMarket fund tool that this information is based on, this information is published free of charge as we believe it is important this is information is made available to the entire retail  investment community who are supporting individual investors day in day out.  This is made possible thanks to the support of the 15 fund management groups (logos shown below) that support this whole of market fund tool.

Julia Dreblow


1.      OEIC/Unit Trust
2.      Sustainability Themed
3.      Equity
4.      Environmentally Themed
5.      UK
6.      Global
7.      Ethically Balanced
8.      Mixed Asset
9.      Environmental policy
10.  Negative Ethical
11.  Equity Income
12.  Fixed Interest
13.  Coal, oil &/or gas majors excluded
14.  Passive Equity
15.  Unclassified
16.  Investment Trust
17.  Europe
18.  Armaments manufacturers avoided
19.  Climate change / GHG policy
20.  Tobacco production avoided
21.  Emerging Markets
22.  Property
23.  Animal testing exclusion policy
24.  USA
25.  ESG Plus
26.  Invests in clean energy/renewables
27.  Asia Pacific
28.  Animal welfare policy
29.  Social Themed
30.  Fracking and tar sands excluded
31.  Infrastructure
32.  Pension
33.  Ethical policies
34.  Europe Ex-UK
35.  Pornography avoidance policy
36.  Sustainability policy
37.  Not Set
38.  Clean energy themed
39.  Gambling avoidance policy
40.  Deforestation / palm oil policy
41.  SICAV/Offshore*
42.  Sustainability themed
43.  Human rights
44.  Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries
45.  Aims to generate positive impacts
46.  Child labour exclusion
47.  Europe >50% UK
48.  Nuclear exclusion policy
49.  Responsible Ownership (FM company)
50.  DFM/Portfolio Planner*
51.  Positive environmental impact theme
52.  Available via an ISA
53.  Alcohol production excluded
54.  Plastics policy / reviewing plastics
55.  Positive selection bias
56.  Social policy
57.  Not set
58.  Strictly screened ethical fund
59.  Negative selection bias
60.  ETF
61.  Asia Pacific ex Japan
62.  Sustainable transport policy or theme
63.  Governance policy
64.  Faith Based
65.  Health & wellbeing policies
66.  Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity
67.  Water / sanitation policy
68.  Favours cleaner, greener companies
69.  Hedge
70.  ESG/SRI engagement
71.  Positive social impact theme
72.  Other
73.  Measures positive impacts
74.  Resource efficiency policy or theme
75.  Balances company ‘pros and cons’/best in sector
76.  Responsible supply chain policy or theme
77.  RSMR Rated
78.  Environmental damage and pollution policy
79.  FP Foresight Infrastructure Income Fund
80.  Indian sub-continent
81.  Life
82.  ESG integration strategy
83.  In house responsible ownership/voting expertise
84.  Royal London Sustainable World Trust
85.  Environmental damage and pollution policy (new)
86.  M&G Positive Impact Fund
87.  FP WHEB Sustainability – C Share Acc
88.  Kames Global Sustainable Equity Fund
89.  Royal London Sustainable Diversified
90.  Tobacco avoidance policy
91.  Employ specialist ESG/SRI/sustainability researchers
92.  Jupiter Ecology Inc
93.  Avoids companies with poor governance (new)
94.  Janus Henderson UK Responsible Income
95.  Responsible ownership / stewardship policy
96.  Avoids companies with poor governance
97.  Anti-bribery and corruption policy (new)
98.  Fossil fuel exclusion policy (FM company wide)
99.  Kames Ethical Cautious Managed
100.                     Liontrust Sustainable Future Defensive Managed